The Greater Raritan Workforce Development Board (GRWDB) connects job seekers and employers to local, county and state workforce system services in Hunterdon and Somerset Counties. The GRWDB is in the midst of working on its four-year Local Plan, due in the spring of 2023. As part of this work, the GRWDB is asking representatives of local and county social-service agencies in the two counties to complete this 10-minute survey. Responses will help guide the Local Plan formulation and strategies.
* Please answer all questions
1. What is the average number of clients your organization serves on an annual basis?
2. What is the racial composition of your client base?
3. What is the ethnicity of your client base?
4. What gender does your organization mostly serve?
5. What is the average age of your client base?
6. What is the primary language spoken at home by your client base?
7. What is the employment status of your client base?
8.  What are the sources of income for your client base?
Select all that apply ..

9.  Does your client base consist of "individuals with barriers to employment", meaning members of one or more of the following population?
Select all that apply ..

10.  Which of the following are your client's barriers to employment?
Select all that apply ..

11.  Which are the greatest Supportive Services needs for your client base?

12.  If you provide services to youth, which of the following career-related services do they need?

13. Do your clients know how to access employment, training, education and supportive services through the partners of the Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Center?

14.  How do you categorize the following career-related services based on the needs of your clients?

Need Low Priority Critical High Priority
Job search assistance
Training grants
Supportive services
Referrals to partner organizations
Career counseling
Workshops (interview skills, financial literacy, etc.)
English Language services
Digital literacy
Financial literacy services
Labor market information
Entrepreneurial skills training
Work-based learning training
On-the-Job training
Career planning assistance
Resume writing and interview assistance
Interest and career assessments
Work experience opportunities
Job fair/hiring events
Transportation assistance
Work readiness assistance
Soft skills training
Business services

15.  Which service(s) do your client seek from Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Center partners?

16.  Does your organization collaborate with any of the following Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Center partners?

Is there any feedback you would like to share about working with the Greater Raritan One-Stop Career Center partners?

The GRWDB coordinates four committees which each meet quarterly to help plan strategy and consider new initiatives. These are the Disabilities Committee, The Literacy Committee, the Operations Committee and the Youth Committee. If you are interested in participating in a GRWDB Committee, please write your email address below.

Thank you for participating in this survey. If you have any questions, please contact GRWDB Director Paul Grzella at or 908-541-5790.