Basic Crash Investigation
This 2-week Basic Crash Investigation training is the first in a series that will teach officers the proper techniques for recognizing and properly recording evidence and damage that occurs when motor vehicles collide. It teaches students how to properly investigate crashes rather than simply reporting them. Students will gain an understand of some basic laws of motion that will allow them to correctly identify, document, memorialize, and photograph critical evidence that may be important should a full reconstruction of the crash subsequently be needed.
Topics include professional interviewing techniques for gathering information from people; recognizing specific roadway evidence; and methods to preform vehicle damage analysis. This course is designed for any officer that investigates crashes at all levels of severity and is essential for officers assigned to a traffic bureau. Some basic math formulas will be taught, and officers enrolled should have basic (sometimes rusty) algebra skills.
Equipment: Students will need a scientific calculator as cell phone use as a calculator is prohibited; a compass, and a 360-degree protractor. The instructor will email specific information about this equipment once you are registered so please wait if purchasing these tools.
Date: 06/16/25 to 06/27/25 (2 weeks- M-F)
- Registration opens on 3/16/25
Time: 0800-1600hrs
Location: Somerset County Emergency Services Training Center
402 Roycefield Road, Hillsborough, NJ
Cost: Free- This is a grant funded training NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety
Please contact the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office Police Training Institute ( with any questions or concerns. |